Beachside in Barcelona

IMGP0041We stayed at the Ritz Carlton Hotel Arts overlooking the Port Olimpic. The boardwalk is reminiscent of South Beach in Florida, dotted with bars and restaurants that don’t kick up until about 10 p.m. There are amazing sand castle artists in Barcelona…

Below is a picture of one complete with a stream of water coming out of the guy’s mouth and a crackling fire.


Enjoying the Boardwalk

A lot of the restaurants have an entrance above the boardwalk that looks like a concrete block with the restaurant name and signage. Inside is simply a set of stairs that takes you down to the restaurant on the boardwalk.

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New Year’s Eve Party

New Year’s Eve was a private party at Oleum restaurant in the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya. The restaurant overlooks the large fountain and plaza where the huge city celebration took place with the Millennium Man. Not sure how to describe the Millenium Man other than a large wire cage shaped like a man suspended above the crowd. Inside the cage were dozens of men in white suits, and several in red suits to designate the heart. Weird, and not sure of the purpose, but interesting to say the least! The night ended with an awesome fireworks show.

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